Helping individuals live
free from the effects
of stress, violence and trauma

An approach that works with all ages, cultures and genders

Enhanced Resilience Training is a peer-reviewed program, proven to have a significant impact on the human nervous system—eliminating symptoms of stress, trauma, PTSD and CPTSD

Polyvagal Theory
Stephen W. Porges is an American psychologist and neuroscientist, and the founder of Polyvagal Theory.
He is the Professor of Psychiatry at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Porges is also currently Director of the Kinsey Institute Traumatic Stress Research Consortium at Indiana University Bloomington, which studies trauma.
“The work you are doing is remarkable because you take individuals who, in our terminology we would say are deeply injured, and you are in a sense triggering strength. If we truly understand what our nervous system needs, and we facilitate this, the person begins to re-occupy their body. They become re-embodied. So, I think the process of Enhanced Resilience Training is this re-embodiment.”
“It is good to have a blueprint for humanity and a language for it, BUT it is insightful interventions like your Enhanced Resilience Training that really grasp onto the basic principles of what it means to be human and gives us rehabilitation strategies that are very consistent with what our nervous system is really desiring.”
-Dr. Stephen Porges
A unique hybrid of self-defence training & non-verbal therapy

Individuals don’t need to understand the theory behind how trauma impacts the nervous system for ERT™ to work for them
ERT’s program offers the results of effective trauma therapy—quickly and effectively—without requiring individuals to re-live, share or even become aware of traumatic events that have left their mark.
This training restores the nervous system to its natural state of calm and safety, which allows you to release the ‘victim state’ and let go of hyper-vigilance.
Reset your nervous system to a healthy baseline by releasing ‘default responses’ (like the freeze response), and learn how your nervous system works, what it feels like, and how to manage and nurture it to your advantage.